Rain Wool Shetland

Your protection against winter

Shetland Rain Wool is our guarantee for a 100% winter garment that is breathable and designed to last.

Rain Wool Shetland is designed to allow water droplets to slide down the fabric without being absorbed, thus ensuring maximum comfort in terms of waterproofing, warmth and breathability.

The woven Shetland weave is stretchy and gives the garment a soft, comfortable and durable texture.

Diagonal armor for a comfortable and durable fit.

Rain Wool Shetland fabric garments are made with a diagonal weave of wool yarn, giving the fabric a mechanical elasticity that is suitable for multiple uses and occasions.

Soft to the touch due to the long, flattened hairs of the fabric that conceal the appearance of the weave. On the surface it has a gauze coating that ensures durability.

Rain Wool Shetland fabric jackets

Don’t let the bad season stop you. Shop now for our selection of Rain Wool Shetland fabric waterproof garments.